
Let's Start Your Business

Let's Start Your Business

Need to protect yourself from personal liability? Let’s protect your personal assets  and get your business registered.

Types of business structures

Simple definitions of each structure type is provided to aid you in your decision making process. Please feel free to contact your personal accountant, attorney, or your “Get Started” representative if you have additional questions.

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Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Independent legal entity that exists separately from the people who own, control and manage it. Offers limited personal liability. An LLC is not required to hold regular stockholder or management meetings, and there are no requirements to comply with other corporate formalities. Contact an attorney or an accountant to determine if this is the best structural option.


A partnership exists when two or more persons co-own a business and share in the profits and losses of the business. Each of the co-owners or partners contribute something, usually money or real property, to the business endeavor. Contact an attorney or an accountant to determine if this is the best structural option.

General Partnership

A partnership where the rights and responsibilities are divided equally among the partners. The partners are referred to as general partners because each partner can act on behalf of all the partners, and each partner is responsible for the partnership’s debts and obligations. General partners have the right to manage the business. Contact an attorney or an accountant to determine if this is the best structural option.

Limited Partnership

A partnership composed of both general and limited partners. This type of partnership allows each partner to determine and/or limit his or her personal liability. Limited partners are not responsible for the partnership’s actions, debts and obligations. Limited partners do not have the right to manage the business. General and limited partners benefit from the business’s profits. Contact an attorney or an accountant to determine if this is the best structural option.


A corporation is an independent legal entity that exists separately from the people who own, control and manage it. The owners of a corporation have limited liability. A corporation does not dissolve upon death of an owner (acts as its own “person”). A corporation can enter into contracts, pay taxes, transact business, etc. Contact an attorney or an accountant to determine if this option is best.

LLC/Corporation Umbrella + Singular/Multiple Fictitious (DBA) Business Names

An umbrella LLC or Corporation is a legal entity (defined accordingly), that has multiple DBAs connected to them. Each DBA can virtually operate as separate companies to the public (name, marketing, branding, finances, employees, etc. ). Annual and maintenance fees are covered through the LLC/corporation and not each individual DBA (Note: DBAs are subject to renewal fees over a longer term). DBA liability is covered under the main LLC/corporation, however, each DBA isn’t protected from the other DBAs connected to the same main LLC/corporation. All DBAs under the main LLC/corporation are liable. Contact an attorney or an accountant to determine if this option is best.

What's included ?

Bronze base package:

  • Establishing legal business structure
  • Fictitious Name (where applicable)
  • State research of business legal and fictitious names
  • Yearly renewal reminder – 2 years
  • 30 minute “Let’s Chat” meeting – Used for insight, questions, quick vetting of ideas, etc.



*Service currently available for only the following states: Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas. Fees vary by state and will be invoiced accordingly.
For states not listed, Get Started will be happy to offer guidance via a 1-on-1 meeting. CLICK HERE TO SCHEDULE A CONSULTATION.

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